

Anya Lee has the rare distinction of having died and come back to make her music. Don’t be like Anya. Make your music before you die. I’ll share Anya’s story...

Do you ever feel lonely as a Christian songwriter? Does it feel like you’re having to figure out how to fulfill your calling in a vacuum? I want to share...

“I used to make every mistake in the book when it came to writing Christian songs…” Here are three critical mistakes you must avoid if you want people to love...

Welcome to a brand-new episode of the Song Revolution podcast with John Chisum, brought to you by the NRT network. This episode features George and Carol Godwin, co-directors of the...

Join us in this special Christmas edition of the Song Revolution podcast with John Chisum, where we delve into the art and soul of Christian songwriting.  In this episode, John...

I came to Christ out of a broken childhood people now call “dysfunctional.” But, for us, it was just life in the turbulent 1960’s and ‘70’s. We didn’t know someone...

Welcome back to Song Revolution. Today’s episode is a special treat. Join us for an inspiring conversation with Dara Maclean, a visionary artist at the intersection of music and ministry....

Greetings, wonderful folks! Welcome back to Song Revolution. Today’s episode is a special treat as we’re joined by the incredible Phil Joel and his equally amazing wife, Heather Joel. Now,...

One of the most common myths about Christian songwriting is that, if you just learn enough tips, tricks, and hacks, you can somehow bypass the hard work of learning how...